Does I.T. Drive Your Business, or Does I.T. Drive you Mad?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Small Business: Hackers' Low-Hanging Fruit

Small and medium sized business owners often find themselves between a rock and a hard place:

They have confidential information such as customer information, financial and employee information on-site but lack the resources to understand and address the risk. As this article points out: "...more than 75 percent of companies with fewer than 1,000 computers have an IT staff of less than 10, and 61 percent say they have never sought information about how to protect employee or customer data." Scary.

To address the risks, there are affordable options. In fact, in the long run, these options are not only affordable but could provide long term advantages such as:

  • IT cost predictability
  • Less money spent on emergency recovery services after a breach occurs
  • Competitive advantage vs. larger, more entrenched organizations
The answer lies in being able to augment your existing capabilities where it makes - and do so for a price that is affordable. There are numerous organizations in the Toronto market that can help. The key is to select an organization that is right for you. Some things to look for:
  1. Do these providers have the tools, expertise and processes to help you with their specific challenges?
  2. Do these organizations provide remote support capabilities? On-site service capabilities? Typically most I.T. challenges can be addressed remotely increasing response times and decreasing cost due to less time spent traveling.
  3. Will these companies provide advice on strategic issues: How should I.T. dollars be spent to best support your business objectives? What are your business priorities?
  4. Do these third parties have access to a variety of skill sets? If you choose to work with an independent, this person cannot possibly know everything there is to know about I.T. - do they have resources available to augment their skill sets when they need help?
Finding a partner to help your small/medium sized business support it's I.T. needs is not only a viable option but may be the best option. It alleviates the need to hire full time time staff, provide training and retraining, purchasing the tools needed to properly manage I.T. and invest in the management framework necessary to prevent problems from happening in the first place, responding to the problems that could not be prevented and planning for future business & I.T. priorities.

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